Paper bags natura
Natural paper bags made from brown paper of different thicknesses, quality and sizes. Made with or without side fold.
Made with or without side fold.
Can be used for:
- packaging for bread, pastries, sandwiches and other food
- packaging for bread, pastries, sandwiches and other food
- for tourist souvenirs, calendars, business gifts

Paper bags natura with window
Natural paper bags with windows made of brown paper with a side fold.
Useful as packaging for the products we buy with our sight:
- pre-made sandwiches and packaged baked goods, larger biscuits, better breads
- for products on store shelves and in vending machines

Bags for hotel industry
Wide-bottom bags for packed lunches and takeaway.
Most useful dimensions: 22x10x28cm, 26x17x25cm, 32x17x27cm and 32x21,50x27cm.
- Hygienic paper bags
- Bags for disinfected cups
- Bags for laundry
- Vrečke za pribor

Paper bags white natura
Natural paper bags made from white paper, of different thicknesses and qualities. Made with or without side fold
Made with or without side fold.
Useful as packaging:
- for bread, baked goods, sandwiches and other food
- for textile products, tourist souvenirs, fine jewelry, postcards
- for medicine.

Paper bags white natura with window
Nature-friendly paper bags with windows made of white paper, with a side fold.
Useful as packaging for the products we buy with our sight:
- premade sandwiches and packaged baked goods, larger biscuits, better breads
- for products on store shelves and in vending machines

Vrečke natura za poštne pošiljke in koledarje
Naravi prijazne in cenovno zelo ugodne papirnate vrečke, brez stranskega razporka.
Proizvodnja po naročilu, občasno tudi zaloga v skladišču.
Papirnate vrečke so zelo uporabne kot embalaža za:
- koledarje različnih dimenzij
- spletne trgovine za pošiljanje tekstilnih in drugih izdelkov